The Published Page Bookshop

The Published Page Bookshop


Book Store

About Us

We are an ''old school'', independent bookstore, with several specialty areas. We have strong selections in American History (particularly the history of the American West), Military History, Biography, Vintage Science Fiction, Children's Books, Petroleum Geology, and Modern Fiction.
We also have many thousands of quality books in countless other areas. Whatever your reading interest, we probably have books you would love to own. If we don’t have the book you want on the shelf we can probably get it for you. We have close affiliations with hundreds of other large independent bookstores across the nation, and are connected with most major and independent publishers.

In addition to our books we have thousands of back issue journals, magazines, music CD’s and MP3s, vinyl records, and whatever else has caught our eye.

If you get a chance drop in and see us. We open at 10:00 am, Monday through Saturday. Monday through Wednesday we stay open until 6:00 pm. Thursday through Saturday we are open until 8:00 pm.

If you just can’t get to Cleburne then say “Hi” on Facebook. You can place orders on Facebook or on our website:
Hope to see you soon.
Jim Hart


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