The Mended Network


Organizations & Non-Profits

About Us

The Mended Network has a faith based approach to neighborhood restoration. This is a need that all cities have in common.
Intervention is in their best interest and it leads to economic vibrancy.
Neighborhoods in decline tend to keep declining but why. Socio-economics, demographics, and many other things come into play.
Homeowners may be marginalized when they lose their job or become injured. They may become disabled, handicapped, elderly, or maybe they are a single parent household. All of these factors coupled with poverty creates a huge problem.
Code enforcement has to keep up neighborhoods by enforcing codes. The problem is that enforcing those codes and writing citations to that group of people who truly can’t do the repairs or clean up just puts more economic burden upon an already burdened home. We MENDED provide a viable solution to help those people and alleviate that issue. We contract with cities, and get businesses, churches, schools, corporations and others to partner with us. We can bring hope back into the lives of those in bad situations. Come join us in this “doing good in the neighborhood” movement. MENDED NETWORK
We all have value and something we can give.
If you are the one who needs help, by all means let us help you. We can bring teamwork into the forefront because together we are better, stronger, and together we form community.

Rep/Contact Info

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Rodney Gattis
Executive Director